Friday, May 7, 2010

A Busy Fit4Mamas May!


There is no class the week of May 8-15. We will have class on Friday, May 7th at Draper City Park, and resume classes on May 18th. In lieu of class on those Saturdays here are some 5Ks. The 8th is the Race for the Cure: On the 15th, Hilda's church is holding a 5K:

Studio 5 is featuring Fit4Mamas on their show! They will be in class filming and interviewing (on a volunteer basis) on Saturday, May 22nd at Draper City Park at 9:15. It'll be a normal Saturday class, just with a camera following us! We'll know exactly when it will air in a few weeks. So please come to class that day - it's free for the special occasion!

We've added a new Wednesday night "Walk and Roll" endurance class. It'll meet every Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm starting May 19th. This will be a class that meets at different paved walking trails around the valley, and we'll be walking/jogging/running (your choice) a basic three-mile course. We will be warming up and cooling down together. You can run solo or with strollers, husbands, older children, dogs, etc. It should be a fun addition to our interval classes!

June Mama's Meal (and Activity!) is at Studio Soiree in Sugarhouse on June 4th at 6:00. Yes, we're taking the plunge and are going to a "pole fitness" class. We've talked about it enough and are taking their "intro to pole" class followed by downing some delicious pizza next door at Este. I'll be posting the link of Facebook where you can go to request your "pole." There are only 12 spots, so we'll have to reserve them quick! Come look ridiculous with us!

Calendar of Events:

May 8-15: No Class

May 19: "Walk and Roll" at Winchester Park (6400 South and Jordan River Parkway)

May 22: Studio 5 filming during class

May 23: Hogle Zoo Family Picnic @ 4:00

May 26: Free Fit4Mamas class for MOMS Club of Draper (and all attendees) @ 10:00 am - Draper City Park

May 26: "Walk and Roll" at Sugarhouse Park (meet at South East Terrace/Playground)

May 31: Memorial Day Class @ Murray Park (swimming afterwards!)

June 2: "Walk and Roll" at Liberty Park (meet at West Playground/Tennis Courts)

June 4: Liberty Park "Seven Canyons" Playdate @ 10:00 am

June 4: Mama's Meal & Activity @ Studio Soiree (6-7) & Este (7-9)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Introducing Fit4Mamas ‘Wednesdays Walk & Roll”

We're excited to add another fitness adventure to our list! On Wednesday nights at 7:00 we'll be meeting at various walking paths and parks for an evening endurance session. These will be completely different from regular classes – as we won't be stopping for drills or resistance training. Instead, we'll have a preplanned 'out-and-back' or 'loop' course approximately three miles long for us to walk , jog, or run. We'll be warming up together and stretching once everyone has returned, but on the course itself everyone can set their own pace.

We think these endurance sessions will be an awesome addition to our Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday morning interval classes. On top of it – Dads and older children can come along (to push the strollers?) and we can make it a family exercise experience. Sound like a perfect way to spend 45 minutes on weeknight, right?

Our "Walk & Roll" kicks off Wednesday, May 19th at Winchester Park (6400 South on the Jordan River Parkway). Until then, we need recommendations on where everyone wants to meet! We already like the Jordan River Parkway, Draper Pipeline Trail, Sugarhouse Park, Liberty Park, and the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. Comment on the Fit4Mamas Blog or Facebook Page on your favorite spots and we'll work them in and post a schedule shortly. See you all soon!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

March Announcements

So, our regular Fit4Mamas website is on the fritz most likely till Tuesday, March 9th - so I'd thought to post our announcements until I can get the regular website updated:

Vote, Vote, Vote!

Please take a moment to voice your opinion on our spring schedule. We move outside April 5th!! Choose three days and parks you'd like to see class. Polls close March 15th!

Schedule & Pricing Changes:

I’ve spent quite a bit of time thinking about my goals for Fit4Mamas. Originally I had dreams of managing multiple instructors and locations (and making it huge). Then reality set in on how much work it is to balance the demands my growing family with what I wanted to accomplish with Fit4Mamas. I believe in what Fit4Mamas represents and offers for us Moms – and I missed it while on break. But with all the time I now want and need to devote to my kiddos, I’ve decided to downshift the Fit4Mamas gear.

Therefore we are changing our schedule starting next week. We will have class on Tuesdays and Saturdays through April 3rd, and then go back to three days a week once we’re outside. I want class to continue as always, but realign the prices so I can cover my basic expenses (insurance, licensing, etc) and make it more affordable for more new mamas. I will get a new chart soon, but basically classes will be either $2.50/class for the 20 punch pass and $3.00/class for the 10 punch pass – with extended expirations. I’ll happily add punches to pre-existing passes.


Wednesday, March 24th: Bouncin’ Off The Walls @ 10:00. They open it up to kids five and under, so there are no big kids to worry about! Kids are $5.00 – Moms are free.

Mamas Meal:

Saturday, March 13th: CafĂ© Med @ 7:00. Get your kitchen passes for a ladies-only evening! We haven’t gone out since August, and Annie’s moving to the Texas the end of the month – we’ve got to give her as proper send-off! Please RSVP before the 12th so I can make reservations.

March Theme - MamaOlympics:

Classes will be focusing on Olympic workouts I researched so we can start training for London 2012! We had the MamaOlympics on March 6th which kicks off the month-long focus.

Facebook “Fans:”

Fit4Mamas has replaced our group with a page on Facebook. Make sure to become a “fan” for fitness updates and other happenings! Here’s the link:!/pages/Salt-Lake-City-UT/Fit4Mamas/109232263296?ref=ts

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Fleeting Moments

As the Fit4Mamas know, I recently became a new Mom again in December (which would explain the utter silence seen here on the blog). As I went into labor a week before my due date, I found myself sobbing in the delivery room at the thought of having a newborn again. The uncertainty, unpredictability, and sporadic schedule of a new soul is daunting for even the most experienced mothers. Fast forward almost eight weeks, and now I’m wondering where the time’s gone.

Life’s in constant motion now and I feel like I’m panting more than taking complete breaths. Although lately I’ve found myself reminiscing about a conversation I had three years ago. The interaction began when I was exchanging war stories with three other new Moms in a stroller-fitness class. We were collectively complaining about teething, sleepless nights, and needy babies. You see, motherhood’s quite isolating and overwhelming, so we mamas jump at the opportunity to show our metaphorical “mom badges” and reach out to find that we’re not alone. The instructor stopped us and said: “Wait – this time and these moments are fleeting. There will be a time where all your “problems” are memories – and you might miss them.” I thought she was crazy at the time, but have come to see the wisdom in her words.

I think as Moms we sometimes fail to simply SLOW DOWN. Honestly, we’re lucky to be in the times of the lives we’re in. What other time in life are your kisses so magical? When will you again have toothless, speech-impediment-ridden, constantly sticky, miniature fans who love you regardless of your inability to shower?

In my endless fights against laundry stains and self-multiplying kitchen floor crumbs, I live in fear I might miss something in my little ones lives. Sure, one day I’ll have me back – my body, my sleep schedule, and my OCD control over household cleanliness. But will I remember the smell of my baby at two in the morning and how he’s comforted by the rhythm of my heart? Will I remember the sound of my three-year old's inability to make the “s” sound with other consonants (“Mom, I need a ‘poon")? God, I sure hope so.

Therefore, I’ve decided to try to take a step back and enjoy these chaotic, fleeting moments. Life is long, but these times aren’t. It’s only a matter of time before the neck area under my chin no longer has healing power and my boys realize I’m actually tone deaf. When those times come, new motherhood adventures await and I’ll be ready to embrace them. Until then, I’ll try to take whole breaths and realize this is really as good as it gets.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Is That Your Final Answer?

Thank you all for your input into the Fall/Winter Schedule and for restaurants for our Mama's Meal on the 29th. Here are the results:
  • Our Mama's Meal will be held at 7:00 PM on August 29th at The Porcupine (at the base of Big Cottonwood Canyon). RSVP's will be coming soon!
  • We will have class three times during the week, and on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month September-November.
  • All classes will start at 9:15 AM starting on September 1st.
  • Our Friday classes will be at Draper City Park - all other remaining parks and days will be determined on Sunday, August 23rd once our last set of votes have been cast.
  • Please be specific on what days and parks you would like to have class on our last class poll of the year on the right-hand side.

Thank you all for your input! We'll go and have class where you want us to go!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Outside it's a blistering 95 degrees. Kids are riding their bikes and running through the sprinklers. All signs of summer are a go. Yet the winds of change are in the air. Shorts and swimsuits are on sell-out clearance and it's time to unpack the jeans and jackets for cooler autumn evenings. School starts in less than two weeks and soon outerwear will replace our flip-flops.

I for one am excited for the fall. It's my favorite time of the year. I don't think there's anything like the feeling of walking across a college campus in the fall and all the unhinged anxiety and anticipation in the air. I love the smells, colors, and sounds the season brings. I believe it represents new beginnings and a return to routine and traditions all in the same breath. I'm patient, though. I'll be soaking up the last rays of sun and splashing in the outdoor pools till September. But deep down inside - I'm kinda excited to throw on a hoodie and crunch my way around the block with my little guy.

Therefore, we at Fit4Mamas are embracing the changes and thinking about the upcoming months. Starting Labor Day through Halloween, we'll be shakin' it up and changing our schedule to fit the needs of our Mamas. In November, we'll be moving inside for our indoor-based classes. We'll be having class when and where our families will go. So please vote on our newest and greatest polls on the right-hand side and have your voice heard!

P.S. Also - we gals are getting our "Kitchen Pass" on August 29th for a Mamas-Only Meal at 7:00 pm. Vote on where we should grab some grub!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Chinese Zodiac Signs

So back when I was in grad school, I went to a cooking class with a group where the theme was "Chinese New Year." It's unrelated on how I ended up in a cooking class on a Friday night in January 2006, but it was a nice break. Anyways, we all got some party favors a-la Chinese New Year - and one of the gifts were poorly-photocopied papers rolled around a pair of chopsticks. I found out I was expecting my son a few weeks later, and have been carting around these wrinkled, barely readable pieces of information ever since. I transcribed them word-for-word, cringing at the sentence structure and grammar, but I kept the authenticity! We've talked about it in class a few times, so I thought I would post them for your enjoyment and dinner conversation!

Rat: Born in 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032, 2044

The Rat was the first animal in the Chinese zodiac cycle. It is usually considered aggressive, ambitious, suspicious, power hungry, honest, generous, quick to anger, and prone to spend freely. Those born under this sign of Rat are imaginative, charming, and truly generous to the ones they love. However, they have a tendency to be hot-tempered and overly critical. They are usually suitable in sales or as a writer, critic, or publicist. Rats will get along well with Dragons and Monkeys, however avoid Horses.

Ox: Born in 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033, 2045

Ox is a symbol of powerful individuals with unyielding and stubborn personalities. Those born under the sign are natural born leaders who typically succeed when given a chance and will also make outstanding parents. They are upright, inspiring, easy-going, and conservative. The Ox would be a successful as a skilled surgeon, general, or hairdresser. Ox get along with Snakes and Roosters, but not Sheep.

Tiger: Born in 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034

As the fighting animal, those born under the tiger's sign are sensitive, aggressive, unpredictable, charming, emotional, courageous, and capable of great love. Despite ofter risking themselves, they have a carefree life. Tigers usually will be outstanding as a boss, explorer, race car driver, or matador. A happy marriage will occur with a Horse or Dog, but never a Monkey.

Rabbit: Born in 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035

Those born under this sign are affectionate, talented, obliging, always pleasant, valuing security and tranquility. They have a tendency to get too sentimental and superficial and to avoid conflict and emotional involvement. Being cautious and conservative, they usually take no risk and are successful in business but would also make a good lawyer, diplomat, or actor. Their best life partners are Sheep or Pigs instead of Roosters.

Dragon: Born in 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036

Those born under the sign of the Dragon are considered intelligent, gifted, bossy, loud, garish, and unfaithful, but also popular and successful, full of vitality and enthusiasm. They usually look stubborn on the outside, but are softhearted inside. They are born to be an artist, priest, politician, or leader. A Dragon will be compatible with a Snake or Rooster. However, a sheep would not be a good choice.

Snake: Born in 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2037, 2049

Those born under this sign are usually considered clever, passionate, determined, romantic, intense, and rich in wisdom and charm, but vain. Women born under Snake are often beautiful. Snakes will be strongly guided by their intuition. They certainly will win a lot of money, but have to avoid procrastination and stingy attitude towards money. The Snake would be most content as a teacher, philosopher, writer, psychiatrist, and fortune teller. Marriage will be best with a Rooster or Ox, not a Pig.

Horse: Born in 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026, 2038

Horses are hardworking, intelligent, and friendly, cheerful, and popular, but impatient. Usually they consider themselves superior to others. They have a strong streak of selfishness and sharp cunning and should guard against being egotistical. Adventurer, scientist, poet, and politician will be suitable for them. Horses get along with Tigers and Dogs instead of Rats.

Sheep: Born in 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039

Those born under this sign are creative, artistic, passionate, elegant, warmhearted, honest, charming but pessimistic, timid, disorganized, and vulnerable. Too much dependent on material comforts, they are easy to complain and do not respond well to pressure. They will find their own natural solution to a problem when given space. Best occupations for a Sheep are actor, gardener, or beachcomber. They are compatible with Rabbits or Pigs in marriage, but not Ox.

Monkey: Born in 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040

Monkeys are intelligent, inventive, clever, entertaining, but also dangerous and easily discouraged. Because of their extraordinary nature and magnetic personality, they are always well liked and make close friends, however, they can't be trusted. They shall guard against being an opportunist and distrustful of other people. The sign suggests success in any field they try. The best matches are Dragons or Rats while the worst are Tigers.

Rooster: Born in 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029, 2041

Rooster are courageous, hardworking, shrewd, arrogant, reckless, selfish, and eccentric. They are thirsty for knowledge, devoted to work and definite in decision making. They are skilled at what they do and are attentive to details. However, they tend to seem boastful to others. Roosters will be happy as a restaurant owner, publicist, soldier, or world traveler. This sign promises harmony with Snakes and Ox, but trouble with Rabbits.

Dog: Born in 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030, 2042

Those born under this sign are honest, quiet, intelligent, generous, stubborn, loyal, and faithful to those they love. They are introverted listeners, dedicated, but also cynical and prone to letting their external anxieties get the better of them. Constant worry, a sharp tongue, and a tendency to be a faultfinder will always plague them. However, they are born to be a success. Dogs will be excellent businessmen, activists, teachers, or special agents. Tigers and Horses are deemed as best matches, and Dragons need to be handled with care.

Pig: Born in 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2020, 2031, 2043

Pigs are honest, reliable, sincere, tolerant, shy affectionate, kind, impulsive, and short tempered. They are splendid companions, intellectuals with a very strong need to set difficult goals and carry them out. In addition they are extraordinary naive. Their unquenchable thirst for knowledge will facilitate their success whereas their quest for material comfort will frustrate it. Pigs will also sacrifice their lives for good causes. The Pig will be successful in financial affairs, or as an entertainer or lawyer. Pigs should be aware of other Pigs, and are compatible with Sheep and Rabbits.