Monday, February 23, 2009

Polls are open...

With the slight feeling of Spring in the air, we are thinking about what to do and where to go when we actually can exercise outside. I know, I just had heart palpitations just thinking about it. Also, many moms have mentioned their excitement behind having a Friday class, possibly in addition or replacement of Thursday's class (even before we move outside).

Therefore, since we are all opinionated ladies, we have created some polls to survey the Fit4Mamas public. Please answer the polls on the right-hand side with your preferences - and we will arrange the schedule accordingly. We're hoping to add more classes in the Spring, so please mark all the days and locations that would fit into your schedule. And yes, we are already planning to have Friday classes at Sugarhouse Park (and calling it the "Sugarshack Attack!!"), so that is why it's the only Friday option. As always, please let me know if you have any questions - and we'll see you sassy gals in class!

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